

シューマン ピアノ協奏曲イ短調作品54

ソリスト クリストファー・ヒンターフーバーさん








The English version is posted below the Japanese version.

── 日本には何度も来日されていることと思いますが、日本に対する印象をお聞かせください。






── 東京セラフィックオーケストラ(以下、当団と記載します)とは、2年前にラフマニノフのピアノ協奏曲第2番で共演しています。前回の共演は当団にとって格別な経験となりました。前回のコンサートの感想をお聞かせいただけますか。





── 来月の定期演奏会ではシューマンのピアノ協奏曲を演奏します。この曲に対する特別な思いをお聞かせください。









── この協奏曲はクララ・シューマンへの恋文とも言われていますが、イ短調で書かれています。とりわけ冒頭のテーマは悲しく、物憂げにも聴こえます。ヒンターフーバーさんは何故この曲が短調で書かれたとお考えになりますか?







── この曲の第3楽章はオーケストラにとって鬼門であり、リズムを捉えることが難しく感じます。オーケストラへアドバイスをいただけますか。





── ヒンターフーバーさんの演奏は情熱的、そして躍動的で表情豊かであると感じます。演奏において最も大切にされていることは何ですか?






── 最後に演奏会にお越しになるお客さまに向けてメッセージをお願いします。





── ありがとうございました。団員一同、ヒンターフーバーさんとの共演を楽しみにしています。


(インタビュアー Ob.笹原俊一)

English version


── I guess you have visited Japan many times. What are your impressions of Japan?


I really love Japan, because it is a wonderful country with a big, old and long culture. I can feel it as a visitor, for example when I visited some years ago the old temple called Toudaiji in Nara but also in many small things of daily life. And I am almost at the Kusatsu Festival and Academy every summer - I love traditional hot springs there!

I also admire the hospitality and friendliness of the Japanese people, I always feel supported in my work even in a short stay.



── Two years ago, we played Rachmaninov concerto No.2. 

It was a great experience for our orchestra.

Could you tell me your impressions about the last concert?


I was happy about the professional attitude of the orchestra, even though many of its members are not professionals.

It was really amazing to see how the orchestra improved and improved through rehearsals!



── We will play Schumann concerto next month.

Do you have any special feelings about this concerto?


It's among all romantic piano concertos maybe the most personal piece, especially as it feels like chamber music, just on a large scale, with many musicians. There are wonderful solo sections together with piano, for example the oboe solo at the beginning and the clarinet solo in the middle of the 1st movement and the cello group solo in the middle of the 2nd movement. Hidden in the structure are many clues as the theme of the 1st movement, c-b-a-a as an acronym for Clara.

Compared to the Grieg piano concerto in the same key, where the orchestra and the piano are acting like two different 'blocks', the Schumann Concerto seems much more refined.



── It is said that this concerto is a love letter to Clara.

But this concerto was written in A minor.

Especially, the beginning theme sounds sad and melancholy.

Why do you think this concerto was written in minor key?


I think there are many reasons: the relationship between Robert and Clara had a difficult history, especially because of the negative reaction of her father, then she was already a rising star as a pianist and Robert was not yet widely recognised and accepted as a composer. A minor is in the classic-romantic repertoire always used when there is a very personal and private melancholy expressed, for example in Mozarts Piano Sonata K.310 or Schuberts 3 A Minor Piano Sonatas as well as in his 'Rosamunde' string quartet. 


By the way, it is a nice coincidence for me that I will play a Robert/Clara Schumann-Brahms chamber program including Clara Schumann's piano trio and solo piece on March 25 in the Musikverein in Vienna.



── It is very difficult for orchestra to play the 3rd movement.

It is difficult to capture the rhythm.

Could you please give some advice for orchestra?


Actually the 3rd movement is not too difficult because the tempo and the pulse are very steady while the 1st movement has a lot of rubato. Just count and don't be afraid! And it is also important to consider the pp dynamic when playing the famous hemiola sections. 



── Your performance feels passionate, dynamic and expressive.

What do you value most in your performance?


I think it's really important for every musician to communicate with the audience. My only goal is to touch somebody through the music, the essence of music is to generate an emotional response or thoughts. If you just see the concert as a routine and there is little or no impact, then the concert has no meaning at all. 

Nowadays, the technical level of any instrument is quite high. But the technical perfection is not the most important. In this aspect I admire historic musicians as Clara Haskil, Arthur Schnabel or Arthur Rubinstein on the piano, Nathan Milstein on the violin or Pablo Casals on the cello for their fearless expressive abilities.



── Lastly, could you give a message to the audience who will be at the concert?


I look forward to play again with Tokyo Seraphic Orchestra again in the wonderful Suginami hall. The program is very beautiful and I think it will be a memorable concert!



── Thank you for the interview today.

We look forward to playing with you next month.


(Interviewer: Shunichi Sasahara, Oboe)